Learning is fun

Science Year 5

Science KSSR for Year 5 is organised thematically in the learning fields of Inquiry in Science, Life Science, Physical Science, Material Science, Earth and Space, and Technology and Sustainability of Life.

Theme 1: Inquiry in Science

Scientific skills

1.1 Science Process Skills

Theme 2 : Life Science

2.0 Human

2.1 Human Skeletal
2.2 Human Blood Circulatory
2.3 Relationship between the
Systems in Human Body

3.0 Animal

3.1 Survival of Animal
3.2 Create Animal Model
3.3 Food Relationship among Living Things

4.0 Plant

4.1 Survival of Plant Species
4.2 Dispersal of Seeds

Let’s Learn Together! 

My mission is to help as many children as possible by helping them to better understand the lesson, reach them compassionately, and make their classrooms an incredible place to learn.